If we want our sins to be forgiven, we have to forgive others of their sins against us. This isn’t merely a suggestion, it is a commandment, and a warning to us from God.

If we don’t forgive others, we will be living in sin until we do what God commands us to do.

Jesus tells us in Mark 11:25-26 and Matthew 6:14,15 that we are to forgive others their sins against us while we are in prayer and your Father in Heaven will forgive you your sins. Mark 11:26 and Matthew 6:15 is the warning Jesus gives us. Jesus says But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses. Did you read that? Jesus tells us that He will not forgive us if we don’t forgive others. Have you forgiven others so you can be forgiven? If not, then you need to ask God who you need to forgive, and then forgive them their sins against you, and then ask for forgiveness of your sins!

Part of forgiving others can be found in Matthew 5:23,24. This passage tells us when we come to altar, and remember that a brother – or sister – has something against us, we are to leave the altar and go to our brother or sister, and be reconciled to them, and then, and only then we can come back to the altar, and offer up our praise, our worship, and our supplications to God. Part of the reconciliation process involves forgiving them and asking them to forgive you.

What if a brother or sister sins against me repeatedly? What should I do then? Should I only forgive that person a couple of times, or continually forgive them? Jesus in Luke 17:3,4 tells us we are to admonish that person, and if they repent, we are to forgive them. Notice in verse 3 Jesus says and if he repent, forgive him.  Jesus did not tell us to think about forgiving him, but to just forgive him. Jesus goes on to say in verse 4, that even if that person continually sins against us and repents, we are to forgive them.

When we don’t forgive others, we end up living in sin due to Jesus not forgiving us. With living in sin comes sickness and disease! David in Psalms 38:1-11, said that his sickness was the result of unforgiven sin! What David talked about in this passage is confirmed with research from the University of Wisconsin. They found that internalizing, or holding on to, hurt and resentment can lead to depression, post-traumatic stress, increased anger, anxiety, illness, drug and alcohol abuse, sleep and even eating disorders. Holding unto grudges affects your present attitude, how you treat people, even your health. When you’re stressed, bitter, and tense, you’re more prone to numerous ailments such as ulcers, heart problems, anxiety attacks, even cancer!

By not forgiving someone, you are in fact, holding a grudge. Would Jesus hold a grudge against us? I hardly think so! Instead He gave His life and forgave us our sins, how much more so should we forgive others their sins against us. Take heed of what the servant did in Matthew 18:23-35, for what you will do, the Lord your God will do to you (verse 35).

We are supposed to follow Christ. We are supposed obey His commandments – and this is one of them. We are supposed to be Christ-like! How can we be Christ-like if we can’t forgive others their sins against us? Jesus led by example, so follow His example by forgiving others!